Rev. Tony has provided the spiritual, emotional, and technical guidance that our congregation
needed since he arrived in August of 2015. The Unitarian Society of Ridgewood experienced a
somewhat difficult separation from our last settled minister, which resulted in the need for some self-evaluation and an opportunity to process what happened. Rev. Tony very confidently facilitated the process of resolving the congregation's concerns about the past. Since that time I believe that the congregation has righted itself, renewed it’s sense of purpose, and is very well prepared to call a new minister and begin a new chapter in its long history.

-- Rob Willis, President of the Unitarian Society of Ridgewood, New Jersey


Interim Ministry is a special kind of ministry, which I find immensely challenging and rewarding. I have more than thirty years of experience as a Unitarian Universalist Parish and Community Minister. I am also an educator, a nonprofit executive, an organizational consultant, and a writer.  

Depending on the congregation’s needs, I been different aspects of all of these fields to the congregation to help them get ready for a new permanent minister for their congregation.  This may be sustaining traditional ministerial services for the congregation, assisting with the church governance, or other assistance that the congregation may need to keep the congregation learning and growing together. 

Following the conclusion of a two-year interim ministry, the Unitarian Universalist Church in Meriden, Connecticut, settled its first full-time minister in fifty years.

I currently serve as full-time interim minister with the Unitarian Society of Ridgewood, New Jersey.

If you are interested in my services as an interim minister for my congregation, please contact me and …   

Transitional Ministerial Handbook (PDF from the Transitions Office of the UUA )